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SEM Microbial Agent—Environment AGB 900 (30 yuan / Kg)

Processing Method:

     At present,the commonly used methods for treating the environment with SEM Microbial agent are spraying SEM Microbial agent diluent and spreading SEM Microbial fermentation materials,adopting three-stage purification tank method,biofilm method,water spraying method and garbage fermentation method.

Theory and Effect:

      Using microorganism to treat sewage and garbage of urban life will be the main direction of environmental protection industry in the future;the mechanism of action is based on photosynthetic flora and yeast flora, and synergistically with other beneficial microorganisms to produce antioxidant substances, which are decomposed by means of redox fermentation. Oxidizing organic matter, turning harmful and toxic into non-toxic and harmless; in the environmental protection field such as deodorization in toilets, domestic garbage utilization, living and industrial wastewater treatment, the application prospect is broad and the cost is low.

Main strains Bacillus, lactic acid bacteria, yeast, photosynthetic fungi, etc.
Effective viable count  ≥1 billion CFU/g
Executive Standard Q/AGB001-2018
Physical state Reddish brown liquid
Applicable range Ecological environment management
Shelf life 24 months 
Storage conditions keep dryventilated and at room temperature.do not pile up in the open air or mix with toxic substances.
Noted:Avoid use with strong acids and bases, pesticides and fungicides.

Function Features:

      1.Save water resource,reduce energy and costs;

     2.Compared with the common purification tank, SEM microbial agent can shorten the aeration time and improve efficiency;

    3.The pollution control effect is significant, such as organic nitrogen, metal ions, turbidity, COD (chemical oxygen demand), BOD (biochemical oxygen demand), SS (plankton), etc., all fall below the national standard, and DO (dissolved oxygen) Rise, water quality improved;

   4.efficient treatment of heavy metals in sewage,eliminating toxic substances,improving water environment,reducing sewage treatment costs;

   5.Suppress pathogens, eliminate odors and improve air quality;

   6.Improve the ability of garbage decomposition and eliminate the residual odor of garbage.

Use Method:

     1. When disposing of garbage, dilute 100 times SEM microbial agent sprayed on the surface of the garbage, the amount of spray depends on the quantity of garbage;

    2. When treating sewage, dilute 300-500 times SEM microbial agent sprayed on the water surface;

   3. When processing poultry manure, it is diluted 30-50 times, effectively inhibiting the growth of odorous bacteria to eliminate odor and reduce the fermentation time of fecal bio-fertilizer.