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Soil Treatment ST1 (150 yuan / bag)

Product series: Soil Treatment ST1

Common Product Name:   Microbial agent

Registration No:   Microbial manure(2005)allowed(0200)

Executive Standard:   GB 20287-2006

Main Technical Index:   Effective viable count ≥ 50 billion CFU/g

Main strains:    Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, Bacillus licheniformis.

Function Features:

 1. Produce auxin-like substances, promote crop root growth, improve crop resistance to diseases and insect pests, promote soil organic matter decomposition, improve the balanced soil fertility;

2. Secrete antibiotic substances, inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria, prevention of continuous cropping obstacles, have significant effects on soil-borne diseases caused by bacteria, fungi, viruses, nematodes;

3. Strong adaptability, good microoganizm can quickly reproduce in the soil to prevent bad microoganizm from growing;

4. It is mainly effective against powdery mildew, downy mildew, blight, bacterial leaf spot, root canal disease, rottem root.

Use Method :

1.Drip irrigation or root irrigation: 

the product is used at a dosage of 1kg-2kg per mu, diluted 500-1000 times with water, then drip or diluted 300 times and then rooted.

2.Hole application or ditch application:

 Mix this product with 200 times of fine soil evenly, sprinkle it at the bottom of the fixed value or the bottom of the ditch, and use 2kg per mu.


Dilute the product 100 times, take the clear liquid, spray the above-ground part of the plant, and use 0.5kg per mu.

Spec:1kg / bag

Shelf life: 24 months  Storage conditions: Store in a cool dry place, no sunlight exposure.


1.Do not expose the product to sunlight for a long time to avoid inactivation of the bacteria caused by ultraviolet rays.

2.Prohibited from mixing with bactericidal pesticides.

Applicable crops: Suitable for fruits and vegetables and various types of crops.